Monthly Archives: January 2012

Beginner Gun Review: Glocks

Glock2I’m just going to say it right off the bat: Glocks are a love them or hate them type of gun. It was the first gun I ever fired and I hated them back then. Years later, when I got to know guns a bit more and rented one at a local range, I absolutely fell in love with them. Some people don’t like that they’re not the prettiest guns to look at. In fact, they’re well past the “utilitarian” category and safely sitting in the “damned ugly” class. Some don’t like the striker. Some don’t like the polymer handles. So what is it about these things that make them so polarizing? To be honest, I have no clue and I could probably write a whole book on the various arguments you’ll hear.

In terms of starter guns, however, that’s a much easier one to cover. Continue reading

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To our loyal readers (all 3 of you. Hi Dad!): We have enabled comments on the blog portion of the site. We welcome your comments and look forward to hearing from you! Please take a moment to review our comment policies before you post.

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Thanks and have fun!

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It’s ALWAYS loaded.

A Navy SEAL in San Diego has died after putting a gun he thought was unloaded to his head and pulling the trigger in order to impress a girl.

There are lessons here. 

1. It’s ALWAYS loaded. Always, always, always.

2. It can happen to ANYONE. There’s no one more experienced with weapons on this Earth than a Navy SEAL, and it happened to one of them.

3. It happened because he was screwing around with something that you just don’t screw around with. If he wanted to show her it was unloaded, he could have shown her how to work the action (which, BTW, would have saved his life). Guns aren’t toys, and when you start treating them like they are, you’re more likely to have an accident with them.

Our thoughts and prayers go out PO3 Gene Clayont’s family, his friends and his team.


Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources: