Monthly Archives: December 2011

Coming Soon: Noob Reviews!

There used to be an entry in the FAQ section of the site that said something along the lines of: 

Q: Why don’t you have any gun reviews? 
A: Because I’m still relatively new to firearms and I don’t think I have had enough experience
with them to be able to give a decent opinion on what constitutes a good gun. 

That particular statement was removed recently for 2 reasons: 

1) Between renting them, borrowing from friends and adding to my own collection, I have gone out of my way in recent months to try as many different guns as humanly possible. As such, I now feel that I have at least a decent understanding of what is meant by things like “terrible trigger pull” and “eats whatever you put into it”.

2) A good friend suggested that I should review guns not from the “expert” perspective that most reviewers go but from the perspective of “Is this a good starter gun?” 

That last statement is the key. Gun Noob is and will always be a resource for the absolute beginner to intermediate gun user. I am formulating a list of tests and criteria for reviewing guns from this perspective. Things like “how easy is it to break down” and “how forgiving is it for poor technique (limp-wrist friendly)” and more. 

 Keep your eye out in the next few days for the first of many reviews concerning beginner friendly firearms.

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Smith & Wesson pick up a couple of new customers!

Looks like Smith & Wesson found a couple of big customers for their M&P line of pistols. The Massachusetts State Police will be using their M&P45 and Vermont will be issuing the M&P40 to it state police. Agents have already started using the firearm in the field.

Always great to hear of an American company getting good business!

Read the full press release from Smith & Wesson here:–wesson-converts-two-state-agencies-to-the-mp-pistol-135431068.html

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Why I do what I do…

I started Gun Noob with the goal of preventing the kind of stuff you see in this video. People not holding the guns right and injuring themselves and potentially others. If I keep one person from making the kind of mistakes seen here then I will consider this site a resounding success.

In the meantime, enjoy this compilation of incredible gun fails!

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources: