Monthly Archives: November 2011

Top 10 Gun Movies

The guilty pleasure of movies. Hollywood is, without a doubt, responsible for about 98% of the world’s misconceptions about firearms. Who cares!? They are also responsible for some of the greatest “gun porn” on the planet! There is nothing like a good action film. Throw in an over the top gun fight with impossible magazine capacity and a complete disregard for the laws of physics and you have what is lovingly called “gun porn”. I present to you my list of the Top 10 Gun Porn movies! Continue reading

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Welcome TJ to the GunNoob Network!

When I started, I had originally intended it to revolve mostly around handguns because, frankly, I don’t know jack squat about rifles beyond the fact that they’re longer than handguns and mostly use more powerful bullets. A couple weeks ago, however, a long time friend of mine asked if he could write a couple of guest articles for the site. When I saw that they were about rifles, I asked him if he would be interested in handling an entire section of the site dedicated to rifles and shotguns. No sense leaving out our longun loving visitors, after all. I think it took longer for the email to be delievered than it did for him to say “yes”.

So without further ado, I would like to welcome my good buddy TJ to!

With the addition of the rifle/shotgun section of the site, there will be a little bit of re-organization as well. Stay tuned for more articles.

In the meantime, be sure to check out the official GunNoob facebook page as well as our Twitter feed.

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Quick Answer of the Week: What the heck is a “Carbine”?

Sometimes, you’ll hear someone refer to a gun as a “carbine” (official pronunciation: car-bean). What is it?

Carbines are pretty much all guns that are between handguns and rifles. Rule of thumb: if the barrel length is shorter than 18-20 inches but bigger than a handgun, it’s a carbine. The most common examples you’ll find are the AK47 and AR-15. Submachine guns are also considered carbines.

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Emergency Preparedness Kits

A while back, during hurricane season, I had pointed out that not a single guide I had read about gathering hurricane supplies mentioned a gun + ammo. My original thought was looter protection but then a good buddy of mine, Thomas, mentioned something I hadn’t thought of. As I don’t have his original post, I’ll paraphrase it:

One of the best things you can have in a kit is a .22 rifle. Think about it, the gun is light and you can carry about 500 rounds in a fanny pack and barely notice the weight. The ammo is insanely cheap so you can stockpile a hefty amount for about $50 bucks. The small caliber of the gun means you can hunt pretty much all the edible animals in Florida if you run out of food. There are some guns that even break down into an easily carriable configuration. On top of that there’s the protection side as well. Even though a .22 isn’t known for its stopping power, it’s still better than nothing. Look at it this way: You have food and no gun. I have a gun and no food. You now have no food. Having any kind of a gun will even those odds.

Ideally, a .22 bolt action is best because the small amount of moving parts means there’s less to break.

Good advice and I absolutely love my .22 Remington (although I’m always looking to upgrade).

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources: