
Quick Answer of the Week: What is “Plinking”?

Spend any time at a forum or hanging out in a gun store and you’ll eventually hear someone say something along the lines of “it’s great for plinking” or “I just want something for plinking” or “you want how much for a plinker?!”

What is this plinking? Although there isn’t a formal definition, per se, it commonly refers to using informal targets for shooting. Things like tin cans or buckets and such. Usually the plinking occurs outside of a range in the woods or someone’s own property. Sadly, more often than not, the people who choose to shoot this way tend to leave a mess. If you ever do this, remember to clean up after yourself. Don’t ruin it for everyone else by being a pig. Also make sure you’re on your own property, or at least have permission to be on the property. Do I need to mention you should make sure you’re not breaking any laws either? Didn’t think so.

As of late, plinking has also come to mean shooting a low caliber gun at targets for the sole purpose of shooting. Not trying to work on groupings. Not trying to hunt or bullseye. Just put lead downrange…or down field for the pure joy of shooting. Most think of the .22 as the de facto plinker gun because of its inexpensive bullets.

By the way, the word “plinking”, is an onomatopoeia of the sound the bullet usually makes when it hits a small metal target.

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Rimfire vs. Centerfire

bulletsThere are two styles of bullet cartridges you’re going to encounter out there: rimfire and centerfire. What’s the difference? Well, the rimfire is set off from the rim and the centerfire is set off from the center. Well, that was an easy guide. Next!

What? You wanted more? Alright, but remember: you asked for it…  Continue reading

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Hydrostatic Shock & Stopping Power: Fact or Fiction?

casingsWhen you hear people talk about pistol caliber, it is rarely more than a couple sentences before the word “stopping power” shows up. This is one of those funky things that, over time, has become misrepresented to the point that it has different meanings for every person. Ultimately, the concept of stopping power means “how many bullets does it take to effectively stop someone”. In the grand scheme of things, the answer is one no matter what the caliber is. Many have argued for a long time (myself included) that shot placement is far more important than shot caliber. There have been more than enough cases of people hitting the ground and dying after 1 shot to the chest with a .22 and people taking 12 rounds from a .45 to the chest and still charging to effectively disprove the whole concept of “stopping power”.

Or has there?   Continue reading

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TJ’s Quick Guide to Rifle Actions

When someone asks me, “What kind of action do you want?” I usually reply with, “A redhead!” Ba-da-dum-TISH! But when it comes to rifles, an action defines the firearm and is a big player when it comes to the rifle’s strengths and weaknesses. So let’s talk about some of the most popular rifle actions. Continue reading

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New Guide: MSRP vs. Reality

Ever notice that there’s quite a difference between the MSRP on a gun manufacturer’s web page and what your local dealer sells it for? Just what is MSRP anyway? is here with a little Business 101 lesson in our newest guide: MSRP vs. Reality. Check it out in our General Guides section!

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Safeties Suck

It has been said that the two most terrifying noises a gun can make are a “click” when you expected a “boom” and a “boom” when you expected a “click”. As far as dealing with the click when you expected a boom….well that’s another article. The boom when you expected a click, however, is my focus today…sort of.  Continue reading

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