Site News

Welcome TJ to the GunNoob Network!

When I started, I had originally intended it to revolve mostly around handguns because, frankly, I don’t know jack squat about rifles beyond the fact that they’re longer than handguns and mostly use more powerful bullets. A couple weeks ago, however, a long time friend of mine asked if he could write a couple of guest articles for the site. When I saw that they were about rifles, I asked him if he would be interested in handling an entire section of the site dedicated to rifles and shotguns. No sense leaving out our longun loving visitors, after all. I think it took longer for the email to be delievered than it did for him to say “yes”.

So without further ado, I would like to welcome my good buddy TJ to!

With the addition of the rifle/shotgun section of the site, there will be a little bit of re-organization as well. Stay tuned for more articles.

In the meantime, be sure to check out the official GunNoob facebook page as well as our Twitter feed.

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