Coming Soon: Noob Reviews!

There used to be an entry in the FAQ section of the site that said something along the lines of: 

Q: Why don’t you have any gun reviews? 
A: Because I’m still relatively new to firearms and I don’t think I have had enough experience
with them to be able to give a decent opinion on what constitutes a good gun. 

That particular statement was removed recently for 2 reasons: 

1) Between renting them, borrowing from friends and adding to my own collection, I have gone out of my way in recent months to try as many different guns as humanly possible. As such, I now feel that I have at least a decent understanding of what is meant by things like “terrible trigger pull” and “eats whatever you put into it”.

2) A good friend suggested that I should review guns not from the “expert” perspective that most reviewers go but from the perspective of “Is this a good starter gun?” 

That last statement is the key. Gun Noob is and will always be a resource for the absolute beginner to intermediate gun user. I am formulating a list of tests and criteria for reviewing guns from this perspective. Things like “how easy is it to break down” and “how forgiving is it for poor technique (limp-wrist friendly)” and more. 

 Keep your eye out in the next few days for the first of many reviews concerning beginner friendly firearms.

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