Monthly Archives: March 2012

Bring them some cookies!

cookiesThink about it for a moment: where would we be without our local firearm dealer? Sure we might be able to get a cheap rifle from Wal-Mart or pay the full MSRP at some big box sporting goods store, but what if we want quality selection and to purchase a gun from someone who actually cares if we get a good weapon? Continue reading

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Hangar Flying at the Gun Club?

hangarIt is a little known fact about myself that I’m a pilot (although, like most pilots, I try to work that information into every conversation possible). The license that I hold is classified as “VFR, Single Engine Piston”. This means that I can only fly a piston powered, single engine plane in weather conditions designated “Visual Flight Rules”. Visual Flight Rules weather has to have a visibility of at least 3 miles and to be able to stay 1000 feet away from the bottom of clouds (as well as 2000 feet away from the sides and 500 feet from the top of clouds). Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Give ’em a hand….but just one…

pepperI’ve spent a lot of time at the range lately. Although it seems that since I started this site I’ve spent less time at the range than before but I digress. When I’m at the range, I practice with the recommended grip in the recommended stance. When I get home, I log on to this site and talk about practicing shooting like you will be shooting when it counts. Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

New Guide: Good Guns vs. Bad Guns

sideJust what makes a good gun “good” and a bad gun “bad”? Reviewers use a lot of relatively vague terms to describe firearms but what do those terms actually mean? Today, we take a good look at some of the most common traits associated with firearms figure out just what the heck these reviewers are talking about.

Take a look at our Good Guns vs. Bad Guns Guide in our General Section.

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Different ammo in the same gun?

Your revolver is a .357 magnum, but people say it shoots .38 special. Your new AR-15 says it can shoot 5.56X45mm, but your friends says just pick up a box of .223. What’s going on here? Has the world turned upside down? Don’t they realize that we’re dealing with BULLETS here? Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:

Why Gunpowder Goes “Boom”…

3357554647_bdf1296b5d_mYour gun can’t work without it. It’s that little bit of black powder that makes the gun go “bang”. Most people don’t care about it and that’s fine. But if you’re anything like me, you might have wondered how it actually works.

I should warn you, there’s a lot of science coming up. If that kind of stuff makes you start screaming, you might want to click over to another article.  Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources:


Nowadays people are scared. There’s a noticeable uptick in the “survivalist” movement, and with the economy in the crapper and no sign of relief, people are afraid of “something.” They don’t know what it will be, but they’re afraid that when it gets here, they’re not going to be ready. And really, it could be anything. Economic collapse, a quake in the New Madrid Fault, electro-magnetic pulse, nuclear war… Shoot, why do you think zombies are so popular right now? Because it gives people a way to prepare for something they can’t grasp but covers the bases. When someone says they need a zombie gun or they need to prepare for the ZomPoc, what they’re really saying is that they don’t know what’s on its way to screw over the world, but they know it’s coming so it might as well be zombies. On the internet, this unknown event is called “Sh*t Hits The Fan.” Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources: