
Don’t Be This Guy.

I’m going to address this one to the fellas, just because I don’t normally see women behaving this way.  It really goes for everyone though..

Before I begin, I want to say that this has nothing to do with safety rules, which we should all police each other on all the time.  Hurt feelings or not, safety is paramount. Continue reading

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Make them Cooler!

ZF-1_500x340I was originally trying to do a fun list of the “Top 10 Fictional Guns We Wish Were Real”. After over a month of pouring through many guns from many movies, I gave up. As the great Frank Bama once said “indecision may or may not be my problem”. There were just so many awesome guns out there in the fictional world that I couldn’t narrow it down to ten and I’m admittedly too lazy to do a top 100. Continue reading

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A Few Tips for the New Shooter

  • RebeccaShootsDon’t form opinions about things you’ve never tried based on what other people say.  Be  brave enough to do the research yourself to formulate your own well informed views.  You might think you know that guns are scary and they KILL people, but think about how you know that before you espouse it as the ultimate truth.
  • Let go of the things you think you know about yourself.  They can all change at any  moment, given the right circumstances.  Be open to learning new skills and remaking your own self-image.  You will end up having some extremely enriching experiences.
  • When someone hands you a Glock chambered in .357 Sig (or some other ridiculously high powered weapon) your first time at the range  and it stuns you with recoil and leaves you with sore hands, don’t write off guns all together.  There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
  • Stop worrying about looking stupid.  You don’t look stupid.  You look like someone who is taking an active interest in their own safety.  Even when you are dry firing in your pajamas while watching reruns of Seinfeld.  You. Are. A. Boss.
  • You don’t have to be some kind of commando right off the bat.  Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to put all of your shots on top of each other at 50 yards your second time out.  Part of the purpose of going to the range is having a good time.  It’s serious business, for sure, but it’s still ok to let out that giggle the first time you shoot a shot gun.
  • Talk to other people at the range, especially if they seem interested in what you’re shooting.  They will end up being some of the most pleasant interactions you have and will build the pilars of a community that will sustain you.
  • Don’t be afraid to take classes and get training before you think you’re ready.  It’s great to get tips and advice from your spouse and friends, but learning from an unbiased, impartial instructor can be invaluable.  Don’t think you don’t know enough yet to take a class.  The point of taking classes is to learn new things, so find a class for beginners and get your moldable little mind in there.
  • Ask questions, read books, check out blogs, get involved in the gun community.  Educate yourself and make up your own mind.  Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, varying preferences and specific body/apparel criteria.  The good ole boys don’t always know everything about everything.  Don’t let other people’s opinions intimidate you.
  • Handle and shoot (safely) as many guns as you can.  Then practice, practice, practice with the one you want to carry.  The only way you get better at something is by doing it.  And the better at it you get, the more you’ll enjoy doing it.  The more you enjoy it, the more you will practice and before you know it, you’ll be Lara Freakin Croft all up in this bitch.

And then we’ll all be happy, because the world needs more take-charge, no-nonsense, kickass people in it.  Go get’em, tiger.

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Who is Rebeccaguns?

Hello.  My name is Rebeccaguns.  I like kittens and rainbows and Pina Coladas and long walks on the beach.  I also like stainless steel 1911s chambered in .45, vintage sniper rifles, fixed blade hunting knives and videos of things exploding.  

If I could have any car it would be an Audi S5 (or a BMW Z8, if I’m having a real James Bond kind of day).  

My favorite gun is my CZ 83, though my new Smith and Wesson Shield is gaining ground fast.

I spend most of my time being the other half of PHLster holsters, shooting guns, writing a blog about guns, making up voices for my ridiculous cats, shooting more guns, thinking about shooting more guns, thinking about all of the guns I want to buy, etc.

Up until about 2 years ago, I didn’t know a Glock from a hairdryer.  I am genuinely (and pleasantly) surprised to be here.  I have found gun folks to be some of the warmest, funniest, smartest and most down-to-earth people I have ever met.  Thanks for welcoming me into your community.  I think we’re going to have a good time together.  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll even get to blow some shit up.

Oh, and by the way, I hate Pina Coladas.  They taste like sugary suntan lotion.  I drink whiskey, and you should too.

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Pro Tip: Keep your Powder AWAY from your Muzzle Loader…

The thing about muzzle loaders is that they tend to spew a lot of sparks and fire when they shoot. It is the wise shooter who keeps their powder at a safe distance. Who knows what would happen to a person who stores their powder opened and underneath the barrel of the gun? This guy does…

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Zombies everywhere! Quit it!

zombiesSee if you can name the movie: A lone person, let’s call him Steve, wakes up from a good night’s sleep. His house is empty so he assumes his family is out on a Saturday morning. As he goes through his morning routine, he doesn’t seem to notice that outside his home things seem a bit…off. It’s only when he retrieves the newspaper that he realizes: the world has gone to hell. Zombies are roaming the streets. He flees back into his house and sees his wife. She turns around and attacks him. Yep, she’s a zombie. He fends her off then flees the house with the only weapon he could find. He jumps in his car and speeds off but wrecks it shortly thereafter. He’s rescued from the wreck by a ragtag and ethnically diverse band of survivors. They make their way through the city to a “safe zone”, getting picked off one by one. One of the survivors gets bitten by a zombie in one of the attacks but hides it from the group. Later, he turns at the worst possible moment. In the end, Steve sacrifices himself so that the lady of the group can make it to safety. As the credits roll, the question remains: how will the world continue?

Ok name the movie…YOU CAN’T! Why? Because it’s pretty much every freaking zombie movie ever made. This zombie thing? It’s getting old. For some reason, it’s impossible to go anywhere without seeing zombie stuff. The firearm and “Doomsday Prepper” crowds have really latched on to zombies like…uhm…a zombie munching on brains. Continue reading

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A little funny to start your day!

There’s something about Thursdays that annoys me. Thursday has always seemed like a barrier because you know that you still have another day before the weekend. You just have to get through Thursday.

What does this have to do with guns? Not a darn thing. Here’s something funny and gun related to get you through your barrier day.


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