
Mr. Noob, what should I get as my first gun?

It seems I’ve been asked this a lot lately. Many of my friends have become inspired to start shooting and, between you and me, I’d like to take full credit for starting that. What seems like a relatively simple question is actually amazingly difficult to answer.

We’re talking “can of worms” territory here. Don’t believe me? Log into ANY gun forum and ask what you should get for your first gun. After about page 3 it will get completely Godwin’d. Everyone has strong opinions on it and there doesn’t seem to be any middle ground on forums. Continue reading

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It gets boring in my comfort zone…

I’d like to start out with a confession:

I hate loud, sudden noises. I’ve been that way ever since I was a very small child (as opposed to the old, fat child I am now). Some fireworks make me cringe like I just heard one of the Kardashians talk. The official term is “ligyrophobia”, and it is a full blown phobia. In my particular case, it’s “full blown” but still relatively mild compared to others with it. I don’t get reduced to a quivering puddle of sobbing fear in a corner during a thunder storm, etc. Hearing a loud crack of thunder or that first rifle going off every time I step out of my car at the gun range still has me ducking for cover every time.

I think it goes without saying that this strange phobia makes my love of guns a surprising development. Ultimately, that is the point of this particular entry: getting out of your comfort zone. Continue reading

Like what you read?  GunNoob is now part of Pew Pew Tactical.  Check out the rest of our awesome resources: