
Bring them some cookies!

cookiesThink about it for a moment: where would we be without our local firearm dealer? Sure we might be able to get a cheap rifle from Wal-Mart or pay the full MSRP at some big box sporting goods store, but what if we want quality selection and to purchase a gun from someone who actually cares if we get a good weapon? Continue reading

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Hangar Flying at the Gun Club?

hangarIt is a little known fact about myself that I’m a pilot (although, like most pilots, I try to work that information into every conversation possible). The license that I hold is classified as “VFR, Single Engine Piston”. This means that I can only fly a piston powered, single engine plane in weather conditions designated “Visual Flight Rules”. Visual Flight Rules weather has to have a visibility of at least 3 miles and to be able to stay 1000 feet away from the bottom of clouds (as well as 2000 feet away from the sides and 500 feet from the top of clouds). Continue reading

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Give ’em a hand….but just one…

pepperI’ve spent a lot of time at the range lately. Although it seems that since I started this site I’ve spent less time at the range than before but I digress. When I’m at the range, I practice with the recommended grip in the recommended stance. When I get home, I log on to this site and talk about practicing shooting like you will be shooting when it counts. Continue reading

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Ah, To Be .22 Again…

10-Shot GroupPretty much all my guns are 9mm. I love my nines and I love shooting them. They’ve helped get me past my ligyrophobia and I have introduced many a shooter to this wonderful hobby using them. They’re not too loud. They’re not too jumpy. They’re not too expensive.

They’re still loud, jumpy and not cheap. When I was starting out, they still scared the heck out of me. So what is a Noob to do when even a 9mm is too much?

Simple: Get a .22!  Continue reading

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The Commandments Count at Gun Shows Also…

So I woke up this morning to see a story about a man who accidentally shot himself at a gun show over the weekend. You can read the article for yourself here.

Long story short: he was reloading his gun in the parking lot when, in the process of reloading, he shot himself in the leg. The article, sadly, is quite vague on the details. Was it a revolver? Semi Auto? BFG 9000? There are a couple of scenarios that come to mind as to why this would happen:   Continue reading

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I’m thinking about buying an AR15. Which one should I buy?

Quick! Get inside! Did you tell anyone on the gun forums about this? DO THEY KNOW YOU’RE HERE?! Okay, lock the door and stay away from the windows. It’s time for Uncle TJ to give you “the talk” when it comes to America’s favorite rifle. Continue reading

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Hydrostatic Shock & Stopping Power: Fact or Fiction?

casingsWhen you hear people talk about pistol caliber, it is rarely more than a couple sentences before the word “stopping power” shows up. This is one of those funky things that, over time, has become misrepresented to the point that it has different meanings for every person. Ultimately, the concept of stopping power means “how many bullets does it take to effectively stop someone”. In the grand scheme of things, the answer is one no matter what the caliber is. Many have argued for a long time (myself included) that shot placement is far more important than shot caliber. There have been more than enough cases of people hitting the ground and dying after 1 shot to the chest with a .22 and people taking 12 rounds from a .45 to the chest and still charging to effectively disprove the whole concept of “stopping power”.

Or has there?   Continue reading

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Tacticool ftw!

tacticoolI remember a while back when SUVs were at the height of their popularity, the common joke was “all these soccer moms in SUVs that will never go off road. It’s such a waste”. Any time there was a story on the vehicle, you would invariably see something to that effect in one of the first 5 comments.

Funny how the past repeats itself. Continue reading

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