The Commandments Count at Gun Shows Also…

So I woke up this morning to see a story about a man who accidentally shot himself at a gun show over the weekend. You can read the article for yourself here.

Long story short: he was reloading his gun in the parking lot when, in the process of reloading, he shot himself in the leg. The article, sadly, is quite vague on the details. Was it a revolver? Semi Auto? BFG 9000? There are a couple of scenarios that come to mind as to why this would happen:  

  1. His finger was on the trigger while he was reloading or while he was putting the gun away after reloading
  2. As he was putting his gun in the holder, the trigger caught on something.

Now, I’ve seen way too many people just plop their finger on the trigger without making sure the gun was safe first while at gun shows. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been muzzled at a show or in a gun store I wouldn’t need to have advertising on this site or even work at a job at all for that matter. I’m talking a pile of cash here. That being said, the feasibility of bad trigger discipline being the root cause is quite high.

Also, without knowing what kind of gun it is, it’s hard to guess what or how the trigger could have caught on something. Seat belt buckle perhaps? Snagged in clothing? Did the gun have a safety that wasn’t engaged? Did it have a trigger safety? Long double action pull?

Regardless, it was a foolish accident and one that should be examined. Every time something like this happens, it affects all the gun owners and makes us all look bad. One bad apple spoils the bunch and so on. No matter what the root cause was, it’s obvious that one or more of the commandments weren’t followed and he payed the price for it. He’s just lucky he wound up paying the bargain basement price as opposed to full blown MSRP (i.e. he’s still alive). The community should come down hard on things like this and, if I ever do something foolish enough to wind up in the news with a similar story, I would hope the community would jump on me as well because I would deserve it. If we don’t police ourselves for safety stuff like this, other people will and I guarantee you won’t like how they decide to fix the problem.

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