Gear Review: J. Dewey Manufacturing Cleaning Kit

cleaningKitGo down to Wal-Mart and take a look at a cleaning kit for your pistol. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

Seriously, go on. I’ll be here when you get back.

All done? Great. Let’s talk about what was in it. You’ve got a pile of wire brushes, right? One for just about every caliber out there it seems. You’ve got a cleaning rod that can be configured at various lengths. Probably some cotton cleaning thingies as well as a loop so you can push cleaning patches through the barrel. You’ve also got a little bottle of cleaner. Not bad, reader, not bad. Here’s my big question: how many of those brushes and such are you actually going to use? Look at me, for example. Up until recently I only had 3 pistols and they were all 9mm. Why would I need all these extra doohickeys when I was only going to use one brush?

I really hate wasting things.  

So the other day someone from J. Dewey Manufacturing said “hey, want to try one of our kits?” Now, I will never turn down the opportunity to try out a product. I sent back an excited “YES!” and a few days later I had one of their kits in the mail.

First impressions? There wasn’t much to the kit. You get a nice pouch, a nylon double-ended cleaning brush, a cleaning rod and the appropriately sized cleaning brush and patch loop to attach to said rod as well as a nice muzzle protector for those guns that can’t be cleaned from the breach. You also got a few cloth patches, a silicon polishing cloth and a small bottle of cleaning solution. This particular kit was designed to be used on .38/.357 and 9mm pistols only. Nothing extraneous. Only the stuff you need and nothing more.

And I LOVE that!

No clutter. No piles of extra junk I’ll never use. Just the exact things I need and all those things enclosed in a small and easily transported pouch. This is a hell of a kit!

cleaningKit2The thing I like most is the rod that comes with it. With the cleaning kits I’ve used in the past, the rods were these flimsy things that you screwed together and nothing ever really seemed to fit right. I always felt that if I pushed too hard, the rod would bend and possible damage the gun in some way. Not this thing. This cleaning rod is a thick, solid, one-piece brass rod that could probably be used as a weapon in and of itself. It’s also the perfect length for pistols and will hold up if I need to put some oomph on it.

It’s not just the rod that’s high quality, however. Everything that comes with it is well made stuff. The brush and the patch loop fit perfectly and aren’t the least bit flimsy, unlike some of the other kits I’ve used in the past.

I honestly can’t find any fault with this kit. It’s solid and does exactly what it needs to do. So forget about those kits from Wally World and consider one of these kits from J. Dewey. You won’t regret it. I know I’ll be purchasing more of their kits really soon.


To purchase this kit and other great items, head on over to


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