5.11 Tactical learns about the Think Geek Effect!

kiltI’ve been around the internet for a while. One thing I’ve learned is that if there is an announcement on April 1, never believe it.

A wise man once said “There is never anything so absurd that no one will believe it.” That axiom proves true time and time again. Look at some of the hoaxes that have stirred up the public; Things like Bonsai Kitties, Human meat market and even War of the Worlds from way back. Someone, somewhere is going to believe it. There have been cases in recent years where, the hoax or joke is so awesome that someone makes it real.

I call it the “Think Geek” effect. You see, there’s a site called ThinkGeek.com that sells some pretty awesome stuff. One year, for April Fool’s day, they advertised a new product called the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag. Remember that scene in Empire Strikes Back where Han cut open the dead tauntaun and shoved Luke in it to keep him warm? Yeah, this sleeping bag is that scene. It even has a light saber shaped zipper. Think Geek’s email servers were flooded with emails asking when they can pre-order. So many emails, in fact, that it crashed their email servers. The problem was, it was a joke. The amount of interest it generated, however, caused them to go ahead and make it. It’s been one of their best selling products and they can barely keep it in stock.

I bring this up because my favorite pants company, 5.11 Tactical, decided it would be hilarious to announce a Tactical Kilt. The kilt featured the same slant pockets as their pants as well as cargo pockets that are sized to hold two AR-15 magazines, a badge holder, d-rings, and hidden interior pockets. They even had a video showing an optional Molle pouch and someone doing Parkour while wearing one of the kilts. It was hilarious!

As it turns out there is one hell of a market for Tactical Kilts. Since April 1st, 5.11 has received a ton of emails and calls asking about it. The Think Geek effect is in full swing because 5.11 Tactical has announced that they will actually start producing and selling the kilt!

This is exciting news. There is a market for this type of thing as evidenced by the success of another company called Utilikilts. They make what amounts to Tactical Kilts as well. As a partial Scotsman, I have been eyeing those Utilikilts for a while now but the $200+ price tag has kept me away. If 5.11 Tactical is able to release their kilt for the $60 price point they have on the joke page, they’re going to have one hell of a winner here.

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