Emergency Preparedness Kits

A while back, during hurricane season, I had pointed out that not a single guide I had read about gathering hurricane supplies mentioned a gun + ammo. My original thought was looter protection but then a good buddy of mine, Thomas, mentioned something I hadn’t thought of. As I don’t have his original post, I’ll paraphrase it:

One of the best things you can have in a kit is a .22 rifle. Think about it, the gun is light and you can carry about 500 rounds in a fanny pack and barely notice the weight. The ammo is insanely cheap so you can stockpile a hefty amount for about $50 bucks. The small caliber of the gun means you can hunt pretty much all the edible animals in Florida if you run out of food. There are some guns that even break down into an easily carriable configuration. On top of that there’s the protection side as well. Even though a .22 isn’t known for its stopping power, it’s still better than nothing. Look at it this way: You have food and no gun. I have a gun and no food. You now have no food. Having any kind of a gun will even those odds.

Ideally, a .22 bolt action is best because the small amount of moving parts means there’s less to break.

Good advice and I absolutely love my .22 Remington (although I’m always looking to upgrade).

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