It’s Good to Be A Noob!

My father once told me “It’s only what you learn after you know everything that counts”. I think this was in response to me being a typical know it all teenager at the time. Now that I’m older, I’ve come to fully understand what he was talking about. 

Allow me to elaborate by getting off track for a moment. I earned my pilot’s licence a few years back. It took a lot of hard work and more than my share of stress. In the end, I had a nice little card in my wallet with a picture of the Wright Brothers on it. I also had a bit of advice stuck in my head from every instructor, textbook, training video and FAA examiner that I encountered along the way: “A good pilot is always learning”. Why? Because the world changes. Conditions change. Laws Change. Planes and technology changes. If you choose to rest on your laurels you’re going to find yourself either dead or worse: having your license suspended.

In recent years, I’ve started applying that philosophy to everything I learn. Everything from programming to shooting, I strive to always learn something new. Even if I could call myself and expert on something (like programming, for example), you would never hear me say it. It’s the same thing with shooting. We haven’t come across all the knowledge there is about shooting yet. Yes, we have techniques down quite well. The technology, however, is still evolving. New platforms are being designed. New optics are being developed. Someone might soon come up with something better than the traditional sights on a rifle. Someone might come up with new bullets. I know that no matter how much I know there is always something new to learn and I just need to find it.

So in a sense, I am striving to always be a noob no matter how much I know. In the end, it’s great to be a noob!

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