Purses and Positive Control?

So an off-duty cop in Chicago got a lesson in why you don’t carry a gun in your purse. I’m sure there’s a million women (and some dudes) out there who have carried guns in their purses for years and never had a problem, but I’d never recommend it. First, as this police officer found out, stuff moves around in your purse. Hammers get caught on keys, triggers get jammed by pens, safety levers get pushed. The purse may be in your hands, and that gun might be in that purse, but that gun is still outside your positive control. And the worst part is you can’t see this stuff happening. Your first warning is the gun going off.

The other reason I wouldn’t recommend carrying in a purse (or manbag, or a briefcase, etc.) is purse snatching. Think about it. A purse snatcher runs up behind you, snags your purse and runs. Now this thug not only has your money and your ID, he’s got your gun too.

And that is a bad, bad feeling.


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