The Remington R51: The Web’s Current Punching Bag

So apparently the Remington R51 will cause your car to stop working, set your house on fire, give you Ebola and eat your pets…at least that's the impression I get in reading pretty much every review of it. I haven't fired it myself but I did get to play with it at SHOT show and, like the rest of the gun world, I wasn't impressed. This is why I always tell people that, be it cars, gun or what have you, it's not a good idea to buy the very first model year. This is a brand new gun..sort of…and it's sure to have some kinks. Admittedly, there are some problems with this gun that should never have made it past internal testing.

That leads me to wonder how it actually got to market. It's been amusing, to say the least, reading some of the conspiracy theories surrounding its release. Some are saying that Freedom Group is trying to devalue Remington in order to sell it easier. Others think that accountants have taken over and don't know or care about firearm quality and are just looking at bottom lines. Personally, I have my own theory.

Regardless, the blogger dogpile on the R51 is almost absurd at this point. Granted, I don't think it's a great gun either but there's a different between being honest and being harsh just for the sake of being harsh. The video above, while not flattering, was a good and honest review of the gun. Other bloggers have been nowhere near as…reserved…for lack of a better term. 

In this day and age, I don't like to see any business fail or put out a bad product. I hope Remington can eventually fix the problems with the gun but I also fear it won't matter. Gun peeps are notoriously unforgiving and usually quite unwilling to give a second chance. Heck, there are people who won't buy Glocks to this day because a few of the originals had some issues with the polymer frame. Remington is going to have one heck of an uphill battle moving forward.

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