Variety is the Spice of Life

The easiest way to get a feel for what is a good gun and what is a bad one is to try a bunch of different guns. In many cases that means buying a bunch of them and, sadly, that’s quite expensive. Another way is to find a gun range that rents guns. Some places have better selections than others, of course, but ultimately any kind of variety is good.

A third option is to have friends that shoot. Usually you just have to say “if I pay for the ammo can I try a couple of your guns?”. Most gun owners are happy to show off their toys.

I had the absolute pleasure of spending a day at the range with a couple of great friends that I hadn’t seen in years. One of them contacted me out of the blue and said he was going to the range and asked if I wanted to join them. A though choice, let me tell you. I showed up with my Glock 19 and another gun which I had not yet had the chance to fire. My friends showed up with almost a dozen guns and about a thousand rounds of ammo.

We spent the morning laughing and joking and trying out the various guns and playing the shooting range equivalent of “Horse”. In the end, I found a gun that I absolutely fell in love with (Kimber 1911) and a gun that I liked but couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with even if I was shooting inside the barn (even though everyone else seemed to be able to shoot it just fine). I also learned that reloading your own ammo is a great way to save money in the long run. I got to experience what a crappy trigger feels like and compare it to one of the greatest triggers I’ve ever felt. I also found that, even though I really don’t like revolvers, I shoot amazing with them. I also found that I shoot better one handed than I do with two hands.

With good friends, good guns and great weather, I can honestly say that this day was the most fun I have ever had at the range and, thanks to my friend’s “arsenal”, I have learned a lot of things that I would not have learned otherwise.

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