Smith & Wesson pick up a couple of new customers!

Looks like Smith & Wesson found a couple of big customers for their M&P line of pistols. The Massachusetts State Police will be using their M&P45 and Vermont will be issuing the M&P40 to it state police. Agents have already started using the firearm in the field.

Always great to hear of an American company getting good business!

Read the full press release from Smith & Wesson here:–wesson-converts-two-state-agencies-to-the-mp-pistol-135431068.html

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Why I do what I do…

I started Gun Noob with the goal of preventing the kind of stuff you see in this video. People not holding the guns right and injuring themselves and potentially others. If I keep one person from making the kind of mistakes seen here then I will consider this site a resounding success.

In the meantime, enjoy this compilation of incredible gun fails!

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Top 10 Gun Movies

The guilty pleasure of movies. Hollywood is, without a doubt, responsible for about 98% of the world’s misconceptions about firearms. Who cares!? They are also responsible for some of the greatest “gun porn” on the planet! There is nothing like a good action film. Throw in an over the top gun fight with impossible magazine capacity and a complete disregard for the laws of physics and you have what is lovingly called “gun porn”. I present to you my list of the Top 10 Gun Porn movies! Continue reading

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