Gear Review: DeSantis Nemesis Pocket Holsters

desantis_nemesis_taurus_pistolsIf there was a secret to pocket carry, and I’m not saying there is one but if there was it would be a good pocket holster. Now, some will say “isn’t my pocket a good enough holster?”. Not by any stretch of the imagination. So the obvious question is “why?”.

Well, if you just drop the gun in your pocket, it will be jostling around and will never be in the same place if you have to reach for it. This would lead to unnecessary fumbling in case you have to draw. Also, the trigger won’t be protected which could lead to something snagging the trigger and causing the gun to go off. Considering it’s location, that’s a very bad thing. Then you have the added bonus of a very obvious gun shape in your pocket. Finally, and this is something they don’t tell you very often, the front of a pistol can very VERY quickly wear a hole in your pocket. It can take as little as 2 or 3 days depending on the make of the gun and its shape.

A good pocket holster fixes all these problems. Quite a few companies make pocket holsters of all shapes and sizes and, let me tell you, I’ve tried out a great deal of them. Like many, I started with that one brand that you can get at just about any sporting goods store and/or Walmart. It’s not a bad holster by any stretch but it wasn’t a great one either.

Then I found the DeSantis Nemesis holsters. Talk about a world of difference! For starters, the material is thicker, more sturdy feeling. You actually have to break this holster in for a day or two. Also, where the other brand just has a small strip of non-slip material, the entire exterior of the DeSantis is covered in a rough, non slip surface. Let me tell you, this thing grips your pocket. It’s actually a bit difficult to take it out the pocket. That’s a good thing because it means you’re going to be drawing your gun instead of your gun and the holster.

DesantisNemesis_springfield_XDSThen there’s the shape of it. The DeSantis has this blocky “L” shape that wedges it into the bottom of your pocket and keeps it in the same position every time. Plus, it gives a nice space between the holster and your gun’s grip so that you can get a very firm grip on the gun when drawing. This leads to less fumbling and much less chance of dropping the gun on the draw because you didn’t have a grip on it. By contrast, with the other brand, the holster goes right up to, and often time bunches up on the handle. There was more than one occasion during dry fire practice that my hand pinched the holster and pulled it out of the pocket along with the gun. In life or death situations, one time is too many.

Best of all, it masks the shape of the gun perfectly. Even with a Springfield XDs in my pocket, you couldn’t tell I had a gun. Anyone glancing in that area would more than likely write if off as a cellphone or hip wallet.

Like I said earlier, I’ve tried a lot of pocket holsters. I’ll be honest here, I cannot find a single thing to criticize with these. I was even trying to find the most nitpicky things I could and came up blank. In the end, the DeSantis Nemesis holsters are my favorite hands down. They even have some pocket magazine holders for when you want to carry extra ammo. Any future pocket guns I get, I’ll be heading straight to my local dealer to pick up one of these fantastic pocket holsters.

You can find the DeSantis holsters for sale at various dealers as well as their website.

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