Gear Review: Dragon Holsters

Dragon-Holsters-SIG-P220A good IWB holster makes all the difference in the world. It needs to be concealable, of course but it also needs to be able to retain the gun so it doesn’t fall out. Comfort, however, usually isn’t high up on the list of features. They tend to poke in weird locations or push against vital organs or rub the skin up against the gun raw. They also tend to weigh the pants down in one particular spot making things extra uncomfortable.

There are, however, certain kinds of IWB holsters that seem to have all these problems licked. They have a kydex part that holds the gun and it’s mounted to a large leather piece with two clips attached. The leather keeps the gun from rubbing against you and also protects it from salt and sweat. The clips are far enough apart that it spreads the weight of the gun better as well.

I can’t find anything saying who came up with it first but the first time I saw one of these styles was with Crossbreed holsters. In recent years, many companies have started making these styles as well. Once such company is Dragon Holsters.

I first met the owner, Keith, at a local gun show and after trying one on, I was immediately impressed with it. Unfortunately, I was strictly pocket carry at the time so I didn’t really have a need for this style. A while later, I decided I wanted to get more experience with IWB so I picked the gun I wanted to carry then looked up Dragon Holsters. It turns out, they were only a couple miles from my house! Rather than order online, I went straight to their office.

I had picked my SIG P220 to carry because, well, I wanted to see how easy or difficult it would be to carry a pistol that big and heavy in the waistband. I also had him make one for my Springfield XDs because freaking Springfield doesn’t ship an IWB holster with the XDs for some odd reason…but I digress.

The holster for the SIG is phenomenal and I can easily conceal it with no issues at all. The leather is very high quality and, after a brief break in time, will mold itself to your body and become even more comfortable. The suede backside of the leather piece is very soft and shaped perfectly to keep the gun from rubbing you raw.

Keith let me watch as he put the holster together and, after seeing how much work goes into this, I can say the price is a steal. Many have this perception that most holster makers just buy pre-molded parts and just slap them together. For some, that might be true but with Dragon Holsters, the only part that isn’t 100% hand made is the clips. Keith molds the kydex as well as shapes and conditions the leather. He doesn’t just make them for guns either! If you need to conceal it, be it magazines, knives, handcuffs and more, he can make a holster for it.

If you’re looking for a far better holster than the ones you can get at the local sporting goods store, I would highly recommend giving Dragon Holsters a look. If you’re in the Northeast Florida area, stop in and say hi. Tell him “The Noob” sent you and, if you do go to his office, make sure you bring a milkbone for his rescue dogs.

You can order a Dragon Holster from his website:

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